Art By Lollo Molander
I had a lifelong dream - to paint!
For years, I dreamed of painting aquarelles in Provence. In my dream, I wore a large straw hat to protect me from the sun, wore a wide artist shirt, and had all the attributes one is used to seeing with an artist.
Well, so far, that dream has never come true. Several art teachers in school told me that I couldn't paint, and I made them right. But the dream of painting, especially in watercolours, still lived strong in me. Hence, I attended a "Try painting in Aquarelles" day with Emma Karp Lundström back in 2015, and no one was happier than me when I drove home that day.
The first time I tried watercolours, I was terrified. Then, I was hooked.
Aquarelle is my element. The fine collaboration between water, pigment, paper and time demands 100% presence during the process. Painting has become my best mindfulness exercise.
Another limiting belief I had was that aquarelles should be small and soft. My art takes on a life of its own and doesn't fit on small papers. They are not sweet and soft. For me, art is up to the viewer.
I live by the ocean in the south of Sweden, and my garden blossoms all year round, apart from some weeks in January when the winters are mild. Nature is my biggest inspiration. I'm also fascinated by the strengths and beauty of female bodies, and I love to paint female torsos.
I always work on Arches 300 & 600-gram papers with paint from Lucas, Ottossons and X.
Follow me on Instagram @artbylollomolander to get my latest updates.
Lollo Molander
Some Of My Work
Some Of My Work
Skanörs Gästis, Konstrundan Sydvästra Skåne
Galleri Englesson, Gamla Stan, Stockholm
Slättarps Gård, Skegrie
Get in Touch
Instagram: @artbylollomolander
Facebook: ArtByLolloMolander